Clark Shimeall


Pandion Institute

Clark Shimeall is an outdoor educator, backcountry guide, and reluctant non-profit bureaucrat. Growing up in a family of former guides and therapists in rainy Western Oregon, he first came to know the Columbia Plateau country intimately through his work as a river guide, where he also began to understand and appreciate the links between Land and Indigenous systems of knowing and being. He has significant educational experience working with BIPOC youth in both traditional and experiential settings, as well as 6 years spent working for mission-driven non-profits. Clark loves history, culture, ecology, and building relationships between landscapes and people, ideally kinesthetically via foot and hand, kayak, raft, or paraglider. He spends most of his seasons in and around Wal’wama (Wallowa County, OR) and his winters in Latin America, brushing up his Español and getting sunlight on his skin.